Abstract:The paper describes the differences in sex consciousness among high-level female and men talents, utilizing the Fujian sample of high-level female talents’ investigation in China. On the basis of previous studies, a theory model of sex consciousness of high-level female talents has been proposed.Multiple regression analysis shows that the age of high-level female talents, their politics belief, their homeplace, the education and career of their mother, the gap between their husband and them in social status, their work experience and their participation in social group activities all have an significant influence on high-level female talents’ sex consciousness.
孟祥斐,徐延辉. 高层次女性人才的性别意识及其影响因素研究*——基于福建省的调查[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2012, 0(1): 12-21.
MENG Xiang-fei,XU Yan-hui. Analysis on Sex Consciousness and Its Influential Factors about High-level Female Talents:Based on the Data of Investigation in Fujian Province. , 2012, 0(1): 12-21.
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