Abstract:Based on 2006 General Social Survey (CGSS2006) data, this paper discusses the differences in gender awareness among rural women,urban women and rural men. A review of previous studies has generated a theory framework of gender awareness of rural women. Multiple regression analysis shows that the educational level of rural women and that of their mother, their work experience, their social interaction with people in and outside of their villages, and their participation in social group activities all have an significant influence on rural women's awareness of gender roles. In order to enhance the rise of rural women's gender consciousness, we should broaden rural women's social participation in community and society through raising their levels of education and labor force participation.
陈婷婷. 中国农村女性的性别角色意识及其影响因素——基于2006全国综合调查的实证分析[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2011, 0(1): 17-22.
CHEN Ting-ting. Factors Influencing Rural Women's Awareness of Gender Roles in China: Based on the Data of CGSS2006. , 2011, 0(1): 17-22.
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