Abstract:The power relationships between husband and wife in the family are the ultimate manifestation of relationships between men and women. This paper reviews existing literature in and outside of China and examines factors influencing marital relationships based on data from the 3rd survey on the social status of Chinese women in Fujian. The findings show that marital relationships in China are complex. The power plays between husband and wife are affected by the sex of the individual, resources one controls, stereotypes, family structure and life cycle of the family as well as one's contribution to the family.
李静雅. 夫妻权力的影响因素分析——以福建省妇女地位调查数据为例[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2013, 0(5): 19-27.
LI Jing-ya. Factors Influencing Husband's and Wife's Power: Data from the Third National Survey on the Status of Chinese Women in Fujian. , 2013, 0(5): 19-27.
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