Abstract:Acceptance of gender equality among high-level personnel plays an important exemplary and leading role in promoting gender equality and improving gender relationships in society. This paper proposes a theoretical model of acceptance of gender equality based on analysis of the findings of the 3rd survey on the status of women in Tianjin that speak to the factors influencing views of gender equality among high level personnel and mechanisms that help transmit that influence. Our empirical analysis shows that: individual characteristics, family conditions, and levels of participation in social activities have significant influence on the views of gender equality among high level personnel. Meanwhile, employment status plays a significant mediating role between individual characteristics, family conditions, and the levels of participation in social activities in shaping the view of gender equality among high level personnel.
张再生 , 徐爱好. 高层次人才社会性别平等认知影响因素及其传导机制分析——基于天津市的调查[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2014, 0(1): 30-36.
ZHANG Zai-sheng, Xu Ai-hao. Analysis of the Factors Influencing Views about Gender Equality among High Level Personnel: Based on Data from Tianjin. , 2014, 0(1): 30-36.
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