Abstract:In the contemporary society, women have more and more independent opportunities and space, and tourism has become one way for them to gain experience and individual pursuits. Female undergraduate students represent young intellectual women. Research so far has focused on them as tourists, their tourist behaviors and them as targeted markets, and has not expanded much on their tourist experiences. Taking 20 female undergraduate students in Kunming as a sample, this study shows that their tourist experiences mainly include an experience of current relationships, compensatory environment, escapism, cognition, imagination and of healing. All of the experiences come from their need for developing self-identity, and self-expression, and for understanding the outside world and the pursuit of authenticity. Also the experiences are subject to influence by psychological, cultural, social, economic and time factors.
薛熙明. 在校女大学生旅游体验与旅游需求的质性研究*[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2014, 0(3): 98-105.
XUE Xi-ming. A Study of the Tourist Experience and Demands among Female Undergraduate Students in Kunming. , 2014, 0(3): 98-105.
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