The Consumption Structure of Rural Households in the Poor Mountainous Areas of Western China from a Gender Perspective
LI Cong1 , LI Jie 2 ,LI Ya-li3
1. School of Economics and Finance at Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710061, Shaanxi Province, China; 2.3. School of Public Policy and Administration at Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, Shaanxi Province, China
Abstract:This paper first explores the determining factors of rural households' consumption structure in the Western poor mountainous areas from a gender perspective. It then compares the differences in consumption structure of different households by using the ELES model analysis. The results of the consumption structure analysis of four families show that the increase of husband's education works in favour of improvement in consumption priorities and efficiency. When there is a higher level of equality between the sexes in the household, there would be a greater level of propensity for the household to consume. When the wife's contribution is the main source of household income, the household would spend more on education and the consumption structure would be more efficient. When there is a higher level of equality in the household and the wife has a higher status, household consumption is higher and expenditure is higher. She is helpful for her family to upgrade and optimizes the consumption structure. This paper suggests that the findings of this research provide a basis for relevant policy to be adopted raise standards of household consumption and improve consumption structure of rural households in poor mountainous areas.
基金资助:本文研究受国家自然科学基金项目“迁移视角下西部贫困山区农户可持续生计及政策研究”(项目编号:71203176)、“生态补偿政策对贫困山区农户可持续生计的作用机制及评估的理论与实证研究”(项目编号:71373204)、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(西安交通大学“新教工科研支持计划”)以及摩尔基金项目"linking Natural Capital and Human Well-being: APractical New Framework Tools and Applications"(3454)资助。
李聪 ,黎洁 ,李亚莉. 社会性别视角下的西部贫困山区农户家庭消费结构分析*[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2014, 0(1): 22-29.
LI Cong , LI Jie ,LI Ya-li. The Consumption Structure of Rural Households in the Poor Mountainous Areas of Western China from a Gender Perspective. , 2014, 0(1): 22-29.
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