Factors Influencing Gender Differences in Academic Faculty's Subjective Career Success
XIAO Wei1 LUO Jin-lian2
1.School of Law and Politics, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China 2. School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
Abstract:This study investigates factors influencing faculties' subjective career success and the existing gender differences based on the findings from 248 male and female faculties in Shanghai universities who answered our questionnaire. Our findings indicate that both women and men perceive that their career success is influenced by the institutional leadership and academic mentoring they receive, although gender differences exist in the factors that influence men and women' career success. Female faculty members think that their success is more related to the support they receive than to attainment of academic resources, while male faculty members think that their success come equally from the support of inner relationships as well as the attainment of resources. This study thus has implications for further research on female professional development and the promotion of gender equality and women's advancement in post-secondary education.
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