Abstract:In contemporary neuroscience, a key concern is about the study of sex differences in the brain. Since the 21st century, the study has been quietly giving rise to a new trend in feminist bioethics - feminist neuroethics, a new bioethical theory, which aims at researching and explaining from a feminist perspective a series of social, ethical and legal issues stemming from the development of neuroscientific work. Currently, feminist neuroethics pays strong attention to the topic of sex differences in the brain. Some scholars attempt to analyze and interpret a variety of new neuroscientific discoveries concerning sex differences in the brain from a feminist perspective.
肖巍. 女性主义神经伦理学的兴起*——从大脑性别差异研究谈起[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2015, 0(5): 89-95.
XIAO Wei. The Rise of Feminist Neuroethics: Neuroscientific Research on Sex Differences in the Brain. , 2015, 0(5): 89-95.