Abstract:The Ladies' Paradise by Zola is a poem of modern life by depicting what a poor provincial girl named Denise experienced in a Paris department store. The new era calls for women's participation and action. This paper studies how commercialization led by department stores in the nineteenth century broke the boundaries of the tradition and re-forged the identity of the female group by the appearance of consumerism.
杜莉莉. 女性存在的改写——论左拉笔下的百货商场对女性社会身份的再造[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2015, 0(6): 83-89.
DU Li-li. Re-writing Female Existence: A Study of How the Department Store Re-forged Female Identity in Zola's Work. , 2015, 0(6): 83-89.
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