Decision-making on Family Purchases in a Transitional Rural Chinese Society: A Perspective based on"Cultural Norms Theory"
YANG Xue-yan1, LU Xiao-qian2 ,LI Shu-zhuo3
1.2.3.School of Public Policy and Administration and Institute of Population and Development at Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, Shaanxi Province, China
Abstract:This study examines the impacts of changes in resources and awareness of gender equality held by spouses on the decision-making of family purchases in a transitional rural Chinese society, which is in "a modified patriarchy" stage. Using the logistic regression method with multi factors and steps to analyze the data of survey conducted in JC district, Anhui in 2005, the study reveals that the higher the wives' education is, the more likely they are making decisions alone or jointly with their husbands on daily consumption and purchases of durable goods; the more equitable the spouses view their relationships, the more likely the wives are making decisions alone or jointly with their husbands on daily consumption and purchases of durable goods.
杨雪燕,鲁小茜,李树茁. 中国转型社会中的农村家庭购买决策:基于文化规范理论的解释*[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2011, 0(4): 27-36.
YANG Xue-yan, LU Xiao-qian ,LI Shu-zhuo. Decision-making on Family Purchases in a Transitional Rural Chinese Society: A Perspective based on"Cultural Norms Theory". , 2011, 0(4): 27-36.
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