Abstract:Elderly primiparas, as a phenomenon existing both in medical discource and in popular discourse, have become a gendered concept that implies deviance and is a psychological stressor for this age group women in China. To reveal the power dynamics embedded in this concept, this article deconstructs the popular narrative and the value of elderly primiparas from a gender perspective. It considers that the physical challenges as well as stigmatization inherent in the concept of elderly primiparas are derived from not only the medical explanation of women's physiology but also the contemporary construction of a gendered culture of conformity. Behind the narrative of physical challenges and stigma, it is the contest between the medical power and male power that vie for control of the female body.
郭戈. 高龄初产妇的问题化——基于医学话语与大众话语的双重建构[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2016, 0(4): 62-70.
GUO Ge. Problematization of Elderly Primiparas: Dual Construction Based on Medical Discourse and Popular Discourse. , 2016, 0(4): 62-70.
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