Will Losing Land upon Marriage Exacerbate Married Women's Risk with Domestic Violence? Evidence from Rural China
SONG Yue-ping1, TAN Lin2,TAO Ye3
1.Centre for Research on Population and Development at Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872; 2.General Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation, Beijing 100730; 3.School of Public Administration at Tsinghua University, Beijing 100080, China
Abstract:Since China's rural land reform three decades ago, losing land upon marriage becomes one of the most important issue in rural women's development, whereby landless women are more vulnerable in the family nexus and even more exposed to domestic violence. This paper uses the 3rd national survey on the status of Chinese Women in 2010 to reveal that there is the prevailing traditional practice of patrilocal residence upon marriage in rural China, and that the proportion of married women losing land upon marriage has sharply increased in the different stages of the rural land reform, and that there is a significant increase in these women's experience of domestic violence perpetrated by their husbands. Based on these findings, this study suggests that there should be land contract policy reforms in both long term and short term so as to protect rural women's land rights and promote women's family status, preventing domestic violence.
宋月萍, 谭琳, 陶椰. 婚嫁失地会加剧农村妇女遭受家庭暴力的风险吗?———对中国农村地区的考察[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2014, 0(1): 12-21.
SONG Yue-ping, TAN Lin,TAO Ye. Will Losing Land upon Marriage Exacerbate Married Women's Risk with Domestic Violence? Evidence from Rural China. , 2014, 0(1): 12-21.
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