Analysis of Rural Women's Participation in Village Governance based on Rules-in-Use Model
LI Qin
School of Political and Public Administration at Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, Hubei Province, China; Collaborative Innovation Center for Rural Reform and Development at Wuhan Universtry, Wuhan 430079, Hubei Province, China
Abstract:Rules are shared understandings among those involved to refer to so as to enforce prescriptions about what actions and their outcomes are required, prohibited, and/or permitted. Elinor Ostrom argues that the first step of an in-depth institutional analysis is to understand the working rules and norms that individuals use in making decisions. So Rules-in-Use Model plays a key role in IAD framework. Hence, what rules are there to govern rural women's participation in village governance? How to use the Rules-in-Use Model to analyze rural women's participation in village governance? The paper utilizes the seven rules in the Rules-in-Use Model to analyze the rules that presently govern rural women's participation in village governance in China.
李 琴. 应用规则模型下农村妇女参与村级治理的规则分析*[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2014, 0(3): 5-13.
LI Qin. Analysis of Rural Women's Participation in Village Governance based on Rules-in-Use Model. , 2014, 0(3): 5-13.
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