Abstract:This paper examines the influences of modernization of family relationships on women's preference for sons from a perspective of the "Modernization of Family Relationships" based on an analysis through the Logistic Regression Model of the data of family and fertility survey conducted by the Centre for Population and Development Research at Renmin University of China in 2010. The results show that the modernization of family relationships will weaken women's preference for sons. Those women who are independent of their parents-in-law in raising children, family finances and fertility decisions, who make fertility decisions independent of the advices of relatives and patriarchal lineages, who have higher level of education and income, and who have the power of deciding important family affairs, are less likely to have preference for sons.
杨凡. 家庭关系现代化对农村妇女男孩偏好的影响研究[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2016, 0(3): 101-108.
YANG Fan. The Influences of Modernization of Family Relationships on Women's Preference for Sons. , 2016, 0(3): 101-108.
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