The "Glass Ceiling" Effect: An Empirical Analysis of Gender Differences in Career Advancement among Chinese Women
WANG Cun-tong1, YU Jiao2
1. Department of Sociology at Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing 100081; 2. Department of Sociology at Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
Abstract:Using large-scale data from CGSS2006 (individual volumes), this study aims to assess the "glass ceiling" effect and determining factors in career advancement among Chinese women. The results show that gender-based discrimination may well be one of the important factors that contribute inequality in career advancement between men and women in China's labour markets. The "glass ceiling" effect still exists in women's career advancement.
王存同, 余姣. “玻璃天花板”效应:职业晋升中的性别差异*[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2013, 0(6): 21-27.
WANG Cun-tong, YU Jiao. The "Glass Ceiling" Effect: An Empirical Analysis of Gender Differences in Career Advancement among Chinese Women. , 2013, 0(6): 21-27.
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