Abstract:The construction of "seventeen-years" Chinese history of women's literature has many deficiencies. Historians may be short on presenting a scientific recognition of the dynamics of its development largely because of old-fashioned outlook, which has perhaps led to narrow-minded knowledge of history, and shortage of historical sources. Those who are studying the "seventeen-years" history of women's literature should first be aware of the editions of a literary work. "Collecting the lost works" is also important. One of the most effective methods is introducing a comparative study of the texts written by women and men from a gender perspective. This study should neither be a judgment of artistic value alone nor an evaluation of a piece of literary work only by its gender consciousness. It is best to combine the two as objectively as possible. This is a suitable scholarly choice, not only because it helps uphold forward-looking outlooks and cultural perspectives, but also because it is practical and with a stronger chance of achievement.
宋声泉. 对“十七年”女性文学史建构的省思[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2011, 0(3): 91-95.
SONG Sheng-quan. Thoughts on Constructing "Seventeen-Years" Chinese History of Women's Literature. , 2011, 0(3): 91-95.
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