Abstract:Post-secondary education has been a key factor in transformation of women's identity in China and the world. Language education has long been an important tool for shaping citizens' identity. A question this paper raises is: what role did English language education during the Nationalist Period play in the rise of "New Women" in China? To address this question, the paper uses Ginling College as a case study to examine the role of English education in the changing Ginling students' identity. It reviews the concept and characteristics of English language education at Ginling College, and discusses changes in women's identity based on three aspects: the growth of new professional women, the rise of women's social status, and the identity construction of "new women." To explore the comprehensive influence of English education on women at the time, the paper will also ponder on the question of how English study created "emotional wounds" among women students and suggest possible lessons one can draw from the Jinling English education model to enlighten today's language education among women in China.
刘媛媛. 英语教育在民国新女性认同建构中的作用——以金陵女子大学为个案的研究[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2016, 0(1): 53-64.
LIU Yuan-yuan. The Significance of English Language Education for the Construction of "New Women" Identity in the Nationalist Period: A Case Study of GinLing College. , 2016, 0(1): 53-64.
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