Abstract:This paper identifies the impacts of the rising reversed imbalance in sex ratio in education on the structures of gender based labor market and marriage market opportunities, individual lives and even gender relationships in society as a whole based on an examination of social phenomena such as "boy crisis" in education, "leftover women" in the marriage market and "discrimination against female college graduates" in the labor market. It suggests that these impacts could be accumulated into even more serious social problems without concerted efforts to be adopted jointly by individuals, managers of social organizations and enterprises as well as policy-makers to reconstruct a new gender balance in society.
李春玲. “男孩危机”“剩女现象”与“女大学生就业难”——教育领域性别比例逆转带来的社会性挑战[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2016, 0(2): 33-39.
LI Chun-ling. Boy Crisis, "Leftover Women" and "Employment Discrimination against Female College Graduates":Challenges of Reversed Gender Disparity in Education. , 2016, 0(2): 33-39.
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