Gender-based Wage Differences and Sectoral Segregation for University Graduates
CHAI Guo-jun1, DENG Guo-ying2
1.School of Business at Hebei University of Economics and Business, Shijiazhuang 050061, Hebei Province; 2. School of Economics at Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, Sichuan Province, China
Abstract:Based on the national survey data of university graduates in 2008, the paper examines the existence of gender-based wage differences and industrial segregation among university graduates. It firstly employs multinomial logit model and ordered probit model to estimate the distributions of the two sexes in different sectors, then runs regressions by both gender and industries, and finally conducts whole-factor Brown decomposition on gender-based wage differences. The results show that sectoral segregation between the two sexes is not so apparent. Although intra-sectoral differences still constitute the most important reason for gender-based wage differences among university graduates, inter-sectoral differences can be explained mostly by differences in gender stereotypes. Gender-based discrimination is as high as 93.16%-94.50%, and this gives strong supportive evidence to the existence of discrimination in the current labor markets.
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