Self Disciplining of the Body and Expression of Resistance:Gender-based Interpretation of A-Ling's Experience with Labor Mobility
YAN Jing
School of Public Mangement at Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, Fujian Province, China; School of Public Affairs at Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, Fujian Province, China
Abstract:The article undertakes a case study of A Ling's experience with labor mobility to show the relationships between the self-disciplining of her body and the condition of factories, including the rules and disciplines of the factory, the different levels of organization, and the formation of informal groups. This examination reveals that her body is shaped by her social surroundings, which include the sexual divisions of labor in the family, and the corporate culture. What is revealed is the existence of alienation of the laborers at the workplace and the colonization of life world in society. The article suggests the rise of class consciousness through the daily expression of resistance among women who move from jobs to jobs, especially with respect to their recruitment based on "voting with their feet" as their weapon of activism.
严 静. 身体的自我规训与抗争表达*——对阿玲就业流动经历的性别解读[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2014, 0(3): 14-21.
YAN Jing. Self Disciplining of the Body and Expression of Resistance:Gender-based Interpretation of A-Ling's Experience with Labor Mobility. , 2014, 0(3): 14-21.
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