Abstract:Based on a review of existing literature on female entrepreneurs and their social networks, this paper discusses, at first, two perspectives: individual or intentional perspective, and structural or situational perspective and identifies that the latter dominates the mainstream research. We thus decide to focus on an exploration of female entrepreneurs' social networks based on the perspective of structures. Finally, based on the limited research material, we propose future research directions.
张军晓, 李姚矿, 姚晓芳. 女性创业者的社会网络:研究现状和未来方向[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2016, 0(3): 109-116.
ZHANG Jun-xiao1 LI Yao-kuang2 YAO Xiao-fang3. Female Entrepreneurs' Social Network: Existing Research and Its Future Direction. , 2016, 0(3): 109-116.
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