Relative Resources Theory, Class Stratification and Power Relationships between Husband and Wife: Based on the 3rd National Survey on the Status of Chinese Women
LI Jian-xin1, GUO Mu-qi2
1.2.Department of Sociology, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
Abstract:Using the data of the 3rd national survey on the status of Chinese women through multinomial logit regression, we have applied the relative resources theory to analyze the power relationships between husband and wife in families of different professional and class standing. Some significant results have shown that there are strong influence of differences in income, levels of education, and occupation on the power relationships between husband and wife. These power relationships appear to be related to the different class and professional standings of families. Peasant class families prefer financial resources brought by his wife. Lower middle class families pay attention to comparing economic resources held by husband and wife. The middle class families pay attention to economic and cultural resources. The general staff families tend to focus on integration of wives' resources. Theory of relative resources has less to say about higher class families, which tend to pursue equality between husband and wife.
李建新, 郭牧琦. 相对资源理论与夫妻权力关系的阶层差异分析——基于第三期中国妇女社会地位调查数据[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2015, 0(6): 17-23.
LI Jian-xin, GUO Mu-qi. Relative Resources Theory, Class Stratification and Power Relationships between Husband and Wife: Based on the 3rd National Survey on the Status of Chinese Women. , 2015, 0(6): 17-23.
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