Abstract:This paper engages in analysis of performance of governance of SRB based on the three themes of neo-institutionalism analysis of performance and constructs a neo-institutional analysis framework for the study of the performance of SRB at three levels, the micro level of individuals, the meso level of structures and the macro level of systemic environment. To confirm the feasibility of the framework, we use the Shenmu County, Shaanxi province, as a case study and find that the performance of the SRB is the outcome of the combined effect of individual psychological mechanism, government-based system structure and the overall systemic environment, suggesting that this framework has potential to be an effective tool.
毕雅丽, 李树茁, 尚子娟. 制度分析视角下的性别失衡治理绩效研究*——基于扎根理论的分析框架构建[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2015, 0(4): 31-40.
BI Ya-li, LI Shu-zhuo, SHANG Zi-juan. The Performance of Governance of SRB from a Perspective of Institutional Analysis:Framework Construction Based on Grounded Theory. , 2015, 0(4): 31-40.
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