Gender, Time Allocation and Scholarly Productivity among Chinese University Faculty
ZHU Yi-na1, MA Ying2
1.Department of Sociology, Communication University of China, Beijing 100024, China; 2.Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development, Beijing 100038, China
Abstract:Using data from a National Survey on Time Allocation among people who work in science and technology in 2011, this paper explores gender differences in scholarly productivity among Chinese university faculties from the perspective of time allocation. The results show that: firstly, there are gender differences in both research time and housework time,in that female faculty spend less research time while more housework time than their male counterparts. Secondly, there are also gender differences in scholarly productivity, and the female faculty members usually publish less SCI/EI articles than male. Thirdly, gender differences in time allocation are one of the important factors in men and women having different results in scholarly productivity. Finally, housework time has more significant impacts on scholarly productivity of the female faculty members than that of the male faculty.
朱依娜, 马缨. 性别、时间分配与高校教师的科研产出*[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2015, 0(4): 24-31.
ZHU Yi-na, MA Ying. Gender, Time Allocation and Scholarly Productivity among Chinese University Faculty. , 2015, 0(4): 24-31.
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