Married Women's Fertility and Its Effect on Their Employment: The Role of Economic Assistance and Care Support
SONG Jian1, ZHOU Yu-xiang2
1.Centre for Population and Development Studies, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China; 2.School of Sociology and Demography, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
Abstract:This paper examines the effects of married women's fertility on their employment based on the data from the 3rd National Survey on the Status of Women in 2010. From a new home economics perspective it particularly investigates the role of home economic assistance and care support and finds that women who have two births, young babies and have withdrawn from labor force participation tend to experience negative impacts on employment. However, differences exist between women in rural versus urban areas in areas of the number of children and the withdrawal from employment. In all, husbands' ability to support the family can reduce chances for women with two births to seek employment, while family-based childcare support would increase chances of these women's employment. This study puts forward policy proposals to balance women's employment and fertility.
宋健, 周宇香. 中国已婚妇女生育状况对就业的影响*——兼论经济支持和照料支持的调节作用[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2015, 0(4): 16-23.
SONG Jian, ZHOU Yu-xiang. Married Women's Fertility and Its Effect on Their Employment: The Role of Economic Assistance and Care Support. , 2015, 0(4): 16-23.
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