Abstract:Using the data from a survey on college students' environmental consciousness in 2010, this paper analyzes gender differences in students' environmental concerns and the impact of sex and gender awareness on environmental concerns, which are measured by the revised NEP scale (2000). The results show that women have higher environmental concerns than men. The multivariate linear regression analysis reveals that gender awareness has significant impact on environmental concerns, and women support gender equality more than men. However, sex has no significant direct impact on environmental concerns. The sex-specific analysis and the interaction between sex and gender attitudes reveal that, no matter for men or for women, gender awareness has significant impact on environmental concerns, irrespective of sex.
李亮, 宋璐. 性别、性别意识与环境关心——基于大学生环境意识调查的分析[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2013, 0(1): 18-24.
LI Liang, SONG Lu. Sex, Gender Awareness and Environmental Concerns: Survey among University Students. , 2013, 0(1): 18-24.
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