Abstract:In the summer of 2012, a message from the official twitter of Shanghai metro ignited a heated debate on female "provocative clothing" and sexual harassment. Based on this public event and its subsequent controversy, this paper employs a variety of theoretical perspectives to investigate female harassments in urban public spaces. The focus of this debate is on whether there is a causal relationship between the provocativeness of female clothing and strangers' harassment. From a sociological perspective, it is argued that both the "provocativeness" and harassments finding roots in the same social structure, which reflects the consequence of the gendered public space. Drawing upon findings from current empirical research, this paper will shed lights on the complexity of this relationship.
魏伟. 上海地铁女性着装“骚”“扰”之争:性别化公共空间的后果[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2013, 0(1): 10-17.
WEI Wei. The Debates on Female "Provocative Clothing" and Sexual Harassment:Consequences of Gendered Public Space. , 2013, 0(1): 10-17.
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