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2015 Vol.0 Issue.2
Published 2015-03-20

5 "Gender" or "Gendered System"?: Analysis on the Theoretical and Interpretive Frameworks of Women Involvement in Corruption
')" href="#"> SONG Shao-peng
This paper reviews Western and Chinese views on the relationship between "gender and corruption" by focusing on the theoretical and interpretive frameworks. It proposes to study "the relationship between the gendered system and corruption" rather than that of "whether women are less corruptible". It asks how the gendered system or hierarchy in a particular social and cultural environment may influence how different a woman or a man reacts to corruption. It discusses why women participate in the corruption process in China in contrast to the current theories on "chaotic capital / resource acquisition + sex capital". In the end, the paper proposes a new way to investigate the role that gender plays in corruption from the perspective of "gendered social transformation / gendered market society + gendered system / gender hierarchy".
2015 Vol. 0 (2): 5-16 [Abstract] ( 537 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1133KB] ( 980 )
17 Ideological Debates behind the Family Policy
WU Xiao-ying
Studies of family policy are laden with debates, as there are two sets of definitions: one refers narrowly to government policy and another is a perspective of family friendly policy. Debates surrounding the definitions of family policy and hot issues involved therein are closely related to the value standpoints and ideological grounds behind them, all which are possibly characterized on the basis of three dimensions. On the basis of relationships between the state and the family, there are two separate tendencies between the public and the private divide. On the relationships between the state and the individual, the debates revolve around the question of whether there should be more freedom or more welfare. On the relationships between the family and the individual, the dividing line is drawn between familism focusing on family values, on one hand, and on the other, individualism and with a stretch of imagination, feminism. Family policy in China does not fit in any of the western classic models because its existence displays the shortcomings of stat-dominated management styles. A way forward for China is the establishment of a mechanism to engage public negotiation on the questions of family policy and diversity.
2015 Vol. 0 (2): 17-25 [Abstract] ( 602 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1087KB] ( 1288 )
26 How Possible is Women's Empowerment?: Innovative Path to Participatory Gender Budget
GUO Xia-juan
Can participatory gender budget play an active role in promoting women's empowerment? This paper uses the experiment of gender budgeting in Wenling as a case to assess the effect of opportunities for women's equal participation, their capability and the outcome of their participation on the process and progress of their empowerment based on questionnaires, observation and an evaluation of the project. The paper recognizes that women's participation in the review of gender budgets waked up women's rights consciousness, and women's ability to participate in the budget review was not less than that of men's. Also, gender budgets have created a more equitable distribution of fiscal resources in favour of women as beneficiaries. Thus, participatory gender budgeting provides a strong systemic assurance for women's empowerment through its equitable design system, and mechanisms to promote women's participation and free expression.
2015 Vol. 0 (2): 26-32 [Abstract] ( 513 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1125KB] ( 898 )
32 The Subjectivity and Its Achievement of the Female Migrant Workers in the Production Space——Based on the Case Study of Factory SF in Fuzhou
XU Li-na, ZHANG Guang-li
With the development of female migrant workers' subjectivity in labor process, they increasingly found it easier to be proactive in their negotiation with their employers, thus contributing to the growth of respect for their interests and the improvement of their living conditions. Based on the case study of Factory SF in Fuzhou, this paper adopts Burawoy's labor process theory in an examination of female migrants workers' subjectivity in the production space, in order to explain the factors in and outside of the labor process that help contribute to the formation of the subjectivity. This study finds that the 'vulnerable economic and social status of the female migrant workers reinforce each other, which makes them tend to adopt a strong pragmatic approach to exert their subjectivity in the labor process. And that the female migrant workers' subjectivity is constrained by the limited space they have in the workshop and their living quarters.
2015 Vol. 0 (2): 32-40 [Abstract] ( 575 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1108KB] ( 787 )
41 Gender Differences in the Relationship between the Marital Quality and the Attitudes Towards Extramarital Sexuality
WEI Yong-feng
This paper uses two hypotheses, namely, "compensation hypothesis" and "excitement hypothesis" respectively, in an examination of the differences between men and women in viewing the quality of marriage and extramarital relationships. Based on the data from "the Survey on the Status of Health and Family among Chinese People" in 1999-2000, this study finds that women's marital experiences have a negative effect on their views of extramarital relationships, which have no close connection to their satisfaction with sex inside the marriage. Men's marital sex satisfaction, however, has a very strong effect on their attitudes towards extramarital sex, which are not affected closely by their feelings towards their partners and personal characteristics.
2015 Vol. 0 (2): 41-49 [Abstract] ( 645 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1133KB] ( 872 )
49 Issues to Be Addressed by Law against Domestic Violence: Analysis of the Draft of the Law against Domestic Violence
ZHOU An-ping
The definition of domestic violence is not tied to whether people involved live together or they are related, but if they have intimate relationships, especially in which one is controlled by another. As domestic violence persists and involves controlling behaviour, the legal rulings in relation to the outcome of injuries from domestic violence cannot be the same as those in other types of violence. The existing approaches to domestic violence including non-interference, no reporting, and mediation have not taken into account the characteristics of domestic violence and thus, constrain the effectiveness of the fight against domestic violence. Likewise, the distribution of responsibility to present evidence should also be different from other types of violence. On the application of protection orders for one's safety, the law should decide that it can be applied individually, and enforced as the conditions require and to avoid two way protection orders. It is important to separate those to whom the protection order is applied from those who are protected, and providing those who are protected with rights to relief assistance. In addition, the draft of the Law against Domestic Violence still contains legal irregularities and repetition.
2015 Vol. 0 (2): 49-56 [Abstract] ( 529 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1098KB] ( 1256 )
57 Gender Budget Reforms in the Medium-term Fiscal Plan
MA Cai-chen, ZHANG Li
The practice of gender budgeting is effective when gender budgets are applied incrementally from a long-term fiscal perspective, instead of a short-term perspective. Gender budgets and the long-term fiscal plan both focus on the organic integration of public policy and fiscal decisions and the efficacy of budgetary allocation. Thus, in the gender budget reforms, it is important to incorporate an analysis based on a perspective of long-term fiscal plans, so as to reinforce the relationship between gender budgets and public policy. It is important also to establish a long-term expenditure ceiling on gender equality, and adopt a framework to measure the effectiveness of long-term performance of the expenditures based on indicators that include evaluation of gender related targets.
2015 Vol. 0 (2): 57-63 [Abstract] ( 513 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1072KB] ( 727 )
64 "Crossing Gender Boundaries" of Talented Women, Competition for Reputation and the Running of Jiangnan Regional Society During Ming and Qing Dynasities
')" href="#"> ZHANG Jie
During Ming and Qing dynasties, in Jiangnan regional society, groups of talented women and educated men traveled together defying the boundaries of gender space and becoming a phenomenon tolerated by the local society. This paper suggests that such behavior was encouraged because of the rising competition among families for prestige and reputation. The talent of individual women allowed them a chance to join the cultured network of their community, win cultural capital and social capital for their families, and to help their families and men in their families enhance their social status in the local society. However, upon marriage, the talented women resumed their respect of the traditional gender space and thus, helped continue the stable operation of the social order. Their brief defiance of the tradition was only accepted as a periodical event in their life cycle.
2015 Vol. 0 (2): 64-72 [Abstract] ( 600 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1172KB] ( 1040 )
73 The Beginning Knowledge of the Female Hero: The Different Outfits of Qiu Jin under the Records of Chinese and Japanese Writers
This paper discusses how Qiu Jin's choice of outfits had played an important role in her revolutionary pursuit, analyzes the motive of her choice of outfits and the deep cultural characteristics embedded in it based on an examination of her portraits and the Chinese and Japanese records of Qiu Jin. Notably, there is obvious difference about Qiu Jin's outfits between Chinese and Japanese records, the foreign records renewed Qiu Jin's stereotyped image in Chinese people's impression. From the perspective of Judith Bulter, gender is the result of performativity. Qiu Jin's cross-dressing outfits can be viewed as a personal rebellion in her daily life. From her spontaneous rebellion against her husband to her conscious devotion of her life to the over-throw of the Qing government, Qiu Jin managed not only to escape the constraint of the traditional female role but also to complete the transformation of her social identity.
2015 Vol. 0 (2): 73-81 [Abstract] ( 693 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1107KB] ( 1853 )
81 From Gender Performativity to Cultural Critique: Towards an Understanding of Judith Butler's Political-Ethical Theory
In 1990s, Judith Bulter's intervened questioning on the presumption of the essentialist gender dichotomy has changed our oppositional beliefs on gender formation, universal ethics and speech-act of daily life. This article reviews and discusses Butler’s theoretical debates and critical practice in the last two decades, especially after she proposed the theory of “Gender Performativity”. It argues that Butler’s contribution, interrogating feminism, reforming the productive meaning of agency and the construction of cultural survival for Jewish Americans, makes a significant breakthrough in dealing with contemporary gender impasse. It would be fair to say that Butler’s ongoing critical endeavor has unveiled a possible correlation that intertwines between gender and ethics. Instead of providing an immediate solution to the problematic of gender trouble, Butler prefers to stay in the "becoming" state of gender “in-betweeness”. Her political and ethical probe has lightened up the blind spot of western humanistic tradition: the vulnerability of human beings. The exclusion of “non-human” beings and the neglecting of multi-forms of life still remain unsolvable ethical problem in regards to recognizing their claims of “living a livable life”.
2015 Vol. 0 (2): 81-89 [Abstract] ( 604 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1196KB] ( 1043 )
90 The Influences of Gender Mainstreaming Policy on Women's Participation in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations and the Related Strategy
Since the World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995, gender mainstreaming policy in the entire work of the United Nations has been a priority. This article examines women's participation in the contemporary UN peacekeeping operations and analyzes the important influences of gender mainstreaming policy on women's participation in UN peacekeeping operations. At last, it puts forward several suggestions for furthering gender mainstreaming policy: to increase quotas for the contributing countries that have more female soldiers and police officers, develop gender training modules for the peacekeeping personnel from different regions. It also points out that UN Security Council should consider adopting a gender perspective in its planning and budgeting of the UN peacekeeping operations and policies to encourage women to take part in the UN peacekeeping operations.
2015 Vol. 0 (2): 90-96 [Abstract] ( 603 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1090KB] ( 821 )
96 Passive and Active: Study about Rights and Status of Women in Guangzhou Gaodijie in Late Qing Dynasty——Taking Contracts as Examples
ZHANG Qi-long, XU Zhe
As an old commercial street in Guangzhou,the Gaodijie gathered a large number of salt merchants in the mid-late Qing Dynasty. In a batch of contracts signed in the late Qing Dynasty reflected buying and selling situation of the estate, there are some records about women involved in the transaction. By analysis on the contents of the contract, the women played an important role in the family transaction as "the buyer", "the seller" and " the intermediary ", and had very high status in society, which reflected that, in a certain extent, the initiative of women's economic consciousness gradually increased in the traditional social system male dominated.
2015 Vol. 0 (2): 96-105 [Abstract] ( 524 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1229KB] ( 836 )
106 Summary of Research on Women Who Stayed with Land and Their Social Support: Considering Social Work Intervening Strategies
CHEN Qi, HE Jing
This paper discusses the major difficulties faced by women who stay behind in the countryside and their disadvantage in access to social support based on a review of existing research. It proposes intervening strategies by social workers in the provision of social support to women who stayed behind in the countryside. The paper suggests that the women who stay behind, whose social support networks are singular and weak. There is a sharp imbalance between their demand and the supply of social support, offering opportunities for social workers to step in. Social workers' intervening strategies should focus on cooperation with communities on the basis of the use of government resources so as to expand the social support networks through making the fullest use of grassroots women's federations and self help organizations.
2015 Vol. 0 (2): 106-113 [Abstract] ( 524 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1092KB] ( 1051 )
2015 Vol. 0 (2): 113-116 [Abstract] ( 562 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1016KB] ( 777 )
2015 Vol. 0 (2): 117-120 [Abstract] ( 512 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1016KB] ( 791 )
121 Deciphering "Romance": A Review of The Progress of Romance: The Politics of Popular Fictions
The Progress of Romance: The Politics of Popular Fictions[J]. , 2015,0(2): 121-128>')" href="#"> CHEN Yu
"Romance" is always a focus of popular cultural studies, and also one to which feminist scholars have devoted special attention. The Progress of Romance: The Politics of Popular Fictions is one of those collections that has comprehensively introduced the origin of Romance, the features of this genre, and the research methods from a feminist perspective. Through this book, one will gain a general understanding of the feminist research methods and the state of research on Romance.
2015 Vol. 0 (2): 121-128 [Abstract] ( 580 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1118KB] ( 833 )
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