Abstract:Crime of whoring with an underage girl, which caused debates among scholars during its establishment in penal code, has recently led to debates among people from all walks of life because of some well-publicized cases. More hold to repeal the crime of whoring with an underage girl, to incorporate it into the act of having sexual intercourse with an underage girl and to punish it as a crime of rape. From a perspective of applying international covenants, the claim of crime in whoring with an underage girl is indeed inappropriate. However, it is also incorrect to combine whoring with an underage girl with raping an underage girl. Considering all situations, it is the only right approach to repeal a crime in whoring with an underage girl and address it as a crime of forcing a person into prostitution.
赵合俊. 嫖宿幼女罪再思考*——一种国际公约的视角[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2011, 0(5): 5-10.
ZHAO He-jun. Rethinking of Crime in Whoring with An Underage Girl: From a Perspective of Applying International Covenants. , 2011, 0(5): 5-10.
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