Abstract:This paper examines the state of "defeminization" of women village leaders based on a hypothesis of whether or not women have weaker leadership skills than men and this weak leadership skill is a contributing factor in "defeminization." Using the international 2T leadership style model, it discusses the difference in "what it is" and "what ought to be" women village leaders' participation in governance. On the latter, there is only the question of whether or not the work assigned to women is appropriate when there is no gender difference in leadership effectiveness. On the former, "defeminization" of women village leaders is caused by the reinforcement of values by the existing systems and conditions. The conclusion is that the joint advantage of "maleness" and "femaleness" of women village leaders has encouraged the rise of "gender neutrality" in women leaders leadership style.
高焕清,李琴. 村级女干部的“去女性化”:性别、社会性别和领导力*[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2011, 0(1): 34-39.
GAO Huan-qing, LI Qin. Defeminization of Women Village Leaders: Sex, Gender and Leadership. , 2011, 0(1): 34-39.
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