Work-Family Balance among Female Staff of High-Star Hotels
YU Yan-ping1 LUO Jin-lian2 ZHOU Yan-qiu3
1.2.School of Economics & Management at the Tongji University, Shanghai 201804,China; 1.3. College of Tourism at the Qingdao University,Qingdao 266071, Shandong Province, China
Abstract:Women are often more than half of the hotel employees and thus play an important role in the hotel industry. However, work-family conflict among female employees has hindered their career development. Based on boundary theory and role conflict theory, this article examines the findings of interviews and questionnaire survey on the present conditions and the causes of work - family conflict among female hotel employees. The study shows that the relationship between work and family of female employees is unbalanced. Influencing factor mainly come from lack of support by family and work organization. This article suggests strategy to balance work and family from the perspective of individuals and the work organization.
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