Abstract:Based on the statistics collected from 2000 to 2011 on the section of Book Reviews and Book Recommendation Column of the Collection of Women's Studies, this paper recognizes that these two sections have grown though there is room for improvement in areas of the originality of reviews, close interactions among readers, potential writers, and the editorial department and improvement of collaboration institutionally in publishing the journal. The paper recommends strengthening reviews of more representative books and pictures and at the same time, building stronger relationship among readers, and potential writers and making book and picture reviews more effective.
宓瑞新. 对《妇女研究论丛》杂志图书评介栏目的思考*——以2000-2011年的数据为例[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2012, 0(5): 99-104.
MI Rui-xin. Reflections on the Book Review Columns of the Collection of Women's Studies. , 2012, 0(5): 99-104.
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