Abstract:Revisiting Marxism, Nancy Hartsock uses the dialectics of internal relations as an analytical tool to construct dialectical feminism. In a word, her viewpoints include: the concept of the truth based on the dialectic relationships of the truth and the practice, and the truth and the power. She develops the concept of female subject based on the dialectic relationships of subordination and initiative subject, and collective and individual subject. Her social historical views are based on the dialectical relationships between the objectivity of social structure and initiatives of the subject. These dialectics thoughts defend contemporary applications of Marxism and open up a new feminist way of reoccupying Marxism.
鹿锦秋. 当代马克思主义哲学的女权主义发展*——南希·哈索克的辩证女权主义思想探析[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2012, 0(5): 69-77.
LU Jin-qiu. Development of a Feminist Perspective in Contemporary Marxist Philosophy: Nancy Hartsock's Dialectical Feminism. , 2012, 0(5): 69-77.
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