Abstract:Family care is the primary support to the rural elderly in China, and women have been the main caregivers. In face of government reducing support to the elderly whose number has grown exponentially, women's burden of care has increased. We use the "Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey" (CLHLS) in 2002 and 2005 to examine the impact of care for parents on the health of married women in rural China. We have found that in rural China, compared with those who do not provide care for parents, the women who take care of parents are more likely to report worse health status, and the probability of "excellent" and "good" in health conditions will decrease by 7.4%. The health of husband also affects women's health. Compared with those whose husband's health is poor, the women whose husband's health is good are more likely to have good health status, and the probability of "excellent" and "good" will increase by 33.77%.
顾和军,刘云平. 照料父母对中国农村已婚妇女健康状况的影响*[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2012, 0(5): 23-27.
GU He-jun,LIU Yun-ping. The Impact of Care for Parents on the Health of Married Women in Rural China. , 2012, 0(5): 23-27.
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