The Impact of Subjective Norms on the Sex-selective Intention during Pregnancy: A Study Based on TRA Model and Social Ties Structure in Rural China
YANG Xue-yan1,Gillian Einstein2
1.School of Public Policy and Administration at the Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, Shaanxi Province, China; 2.School of Public Health at the University of Toronto, Toronto M5S 3G3, Ontario, Canada
Abstract:Using the TRA model and the data from the surveys conducted in three counties of Shaanxi province, this study analyzes the impacts of the subjective norms held by members of the structures of social ties in rural China on individual member's sex-selective intentions during pregnancy. The results indicate that the TRA model proves effective in explaining individual's sex-selective intention based on preference for son in areas where the son preference practice is strong. Whether adopting the sex-selective behavior based on son preference during pregnancy is, firstly, determined by the individual's own son preference attitudes. The subjective norms of the members who belong to the social ties structure have the significant impacts on parents' sex-selective intention based on son preference during pregnancy. However, secondly, the final decision on adopting sex-selective behavior based on son preference during pregnancy is an outcome of competition between blood ties versus marital ties, and strong versus weak social ties.
杨雪燕,吉莉安·爱因斯坦. 主观规范对生育性别选择行为倾向的影响:基于TRA模型及中国农村社会关系结构的解释*[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2012, 0(5): 5-16.
YANG Xue-yan,Gillian Einstein. The Impact of Subjective Norms on the Sex-selective Intention during Pregnancy: A Study Based on TRA Model and Social Ties Structure in Rural China. , 2012, 0(5): 5-16.
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