Abstract:The popular TV series, Lang Ya Bang (2015), which depicts political struggles in the imperial palace, provides a good case study for gender ideology in Chinese mass culture. By proving his ability to withstand female charms, the hero, Mei Changsu, affirms his masculinity also by establishing the male bonds characterized by their sexual abstinence. In the erotic triangle consisting of Mei Changsu, Nihuang and Prince of Jing, the heterosexual relationship between Mei and Nihuang is used to cement the bond between Mei and Prince of Jing. From the perspective of homosocial desire, the sexual dimension revealed in the attachment between men has great appeal to female viewers. By reading the brotherhood in a sexualized way, women could render men an object of female desire without the danger of transcending the clear-cut gender boundaries between homosocial and homosexual.
薛英杰. 欲望的缺席与在场:电视剧《琅琊榜》的性别机制[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2016, 0(1): 90-96.
XUE Ying-jie. The Suppression and Expression of Desire: Gender Ideology in the TV Series Lang Ya Bang. , 2016, 0(1): 90-96.
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