Abstract:At the beginning of career women's appearance, they had to face the conflicts of their family roles and social roles. In the age of knowledge economy, gender difference in physical strength has less and less impact on vocational choice and development. Career women's community and influence are in constant rise as well. However, difficulties in work-life balance, which are caused by the female dual role conflicts, have not been weakened. This, obviously, has not only hindered career women from reaching a high-level development path but also fettered young women's vocational choices. This paper proposes strategy to improve work-life balance for career women from the perspective of leadership development. It encourages the efficacy of leadership at both personal and team levels to institute mechanisms to balance work-and-life to help career women step out of conflicts and enjoy family happiness and work at the same time.
蒋莱. 领导力发展视角下的职业女性工作-生活平衡策略研究*[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2012, 0(2): 96-102.
JIANG Lai. Realizing Work-Life Balance for Career Women from the Perspective of Leadership Development. , 2012, 0(2): 96-102.
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