Abstract:Gender segregation existing in academic disciplines in post-secondary education is a long standing phenomenon. The gendered separation of soft sciences and hard sciences as well as women's absence in hard sciences exist across the world. Ginling College, however, has in the past decades educated a group of women scientists, among whom some became outstanding hard scientists. This paper examines the following aspects in order to show how the college has encouraged students to overcome traditional gender barriers and enter into male dominated sciences. These are elitist educational philosophy, Ginling College as an independent school, promoting aspirations for science and motivating women to be independent and go into science to serve their country. Although Ginling College is only a successful case in encouraging women to break into sciences, it has enlightened us with means to work against gender-based segregation in sciences.
杨笛. 冲破科学的性别樊篱——金陵女子大学的教育实践及其启示[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2016, 0(1): 39-52.
YANG Di. Breaking through the Barriers of Science and Gender:The Enlightenment of Educational Practice of Ginling College. , 2016, 0(1): 39-52.
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