Abstract:Existing literature on female college/university teachers mainly adopts gender role theory, looking at role conflicts and obstacles to women's career development. Such discussion opens up a way for female teachers' experiences to be subsumed in men's voices and at the same time, reinforces the stereotypical gender images and problematizes women's lived experience especially in marriage and family. This paper reflects upon the existing analytical perspectives of women teachers' lives based on an empirical research on female college/university teachers. It argues that a theoretical framework focusing on the everyday life and practices of women teachers is important for us, not only to better understand women teachers' lived experience from their own standpoint, but also to see how women struggle against many social impositions using their own body and knowledge.
丁 瑜. 以高校女教师为例论女性研究的日常生活转向*[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2014, 0(3): 55-64.
DING Yu. Everyday Life as a New Theoretical Framework in Women's Studies-Using Female College/university Teachers as an Example. , 2014, 0(3): 55-64.
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