Abstract:Toys play an important role in children's socialization of gender identity, but they have not received enough scholarly attention. This study focuses on Lego building bricks. Selecting Lego for the case study is due to its worldwide influence. It is also because Denmark, Lego's country-of-origin, has paid attention to gender equality and gender ambiguity represented by Lego building bricks. My research indicates that there is a world clearly segregated based on gender with Lego building bricks. In this world, marginalized girls are more inclined to stay in private sphere, their body images embody stereotypical femininity, and their roles are rather traditional. In order to fight against sexism in the toy world, this study calls for increased gender consciousness, organized social activities, and active local movements to replace free-riding passive acceptance.
周培勤. 探析玩具世界的社会性别隔离——以丹麦乐高积木为例的研究[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2014, 0(4): 80-87.
ZHOU Pei-qin. Analyzing Gender-based Segregation in the Toy World: A Case Study of Denmark's Lego. , 2014, 0(4): 80-87.
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