Abstract:This paper investigates the old-age support practice and the tradition of funeral ceremonies in northern rural Anhui and finds that there is an interesting gender-based power scene in the two events of "old-age support and funeral ceremony": namely, the daughters participate actively in the old-age support of their parents, while the sons play the irreplaceable role in the funeral ceremony. Women (including the daughters and daughters-in-law) actively participate and have a strong influence in family-based activities including supporting parents. They have their influence only in the background while men (sons) performing in the foreground, for example, in funeral ceremonies, men are still the official representatives of the family. This paper discusses men's symbolic power that is supported by the traditional family culture and women practical power that is explained by women's contribution in family affairs.
高修娟. 前台与后台:皖北农村“养老-送终”活动中的性别权力景观[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2014, 0(2): 18-24.
GAO Xiu-juan. Foreground and Background: the Gender-based Power Scene in the "Old-age Support and Funeral Ceremonies" in Northern Rural Anhui. , 2014, 0(2): 18-24.
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