A Review of Literature on the Division of Household Labour and Gender-based Earning Disparities
ZHENG Jia-mei1 ,QING Shi-song2
1.School of International Business Administration at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai 200433, China; 2.School of Social Development at East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241, China
Abstract:Relieving the burden of family responsibilities for women is suggested as a key policy for promoting gender equality. In this paper, we review the recent and growing literature on the division of household labour, the relationship between housework and the earnings. We conclude that time incurred for housework represents a significant penalty on earnings. The unequal division of household labour between men and women represents an important source of disparities in earnings. We finally suggest future directions for further research and its policy implications.
郑加梅 ,卿石松. 家务分工与性别收入差距:基于文献的研究*[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2014, 0(1): 107-114.
ZHENG Jia-mei ,QING Shi-song. A Review of Literature on the Division of Household Labour and Gender-based Earning Disparities. , 2014, 0(1): 107-114.
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