1.Michael E. Moritz College of Law at the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA; 2.School of Law at China University of Politics and Law, Beijing 100088, China
Abstract:In the last century, the big three feminisms-liberal feminism built on formal equality, and the same treatment theory; dominant feminism and its views on differences between women and men; and cultural feminism and its Motherhood theory, still affect legislation in the USA. The new three feminisms-partial agency or "sex-positive" feminism, intersectional feminism or anti-essentialist feminism, and social justice feminism are concerned in varying emphasis with the questions of the complexity and the uncertainty of identity. Among them, the social justice feminism resonates with women and the American public.
Martha Chamallas著,王新宇译. 以过往为序——新旧女性主义及其法律影响*[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2014, 0(1): 78-87.
Martha Chamallas, Wang Xin-yu (trans.). Past as Prologue: Old and New Feminisms. , 2014, 0(1): 78-87.
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