Abstract:Since the turn of the century, there has been a serious rethinking of mainstream feminist development both in the United States and the world, especially on the American second-wave feminist movement since the 1970s. The article is a survey of critiques focusing on the relationship between second-wave feminism and the neo-liberal capitalism, mainly by Marxist, anti-racism and anti-imperialism feminist scholars. These critiques investigate major goals,strategies and organization of mainstream feminist movements, in order to understand how they have been manipulated by neo-liberal capitalism, thus becoming an integral component of its global economic restructuring and American hegemony over the world.
苏红军. 危险的私通:反思美国第二波女权主义与新自由主义全球资本主义的关系[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2013, 0(3): 5-14.
SU Hong-jun. A Dangerous Liaison: Theorizing the Relationship between American Second-wave Feminism and the Neo-liberal Capitalist Globalization. , 2013, 0(3): 5-14.
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