Abstract:This study examines the question of how women understand and create effective leadership and successful leadership from the perspective of gender identity based on a survey of 140 women in the construction field. The survey is focused on the similarities and differences in the discussions of effective leadership, career development, satisfactions and development strategies among women of various professional standing. The results show that: (1) Differences exist between the women's understanding of effective leadership and the characteristics contributing to successful advancement. They predominantly portray effective leadership based on male-oriented stereotypes. (2) In contrast, successful advancement in organizations was predominantly and almost exclusively described in self-focused but stereotypically masculine terms; (3) Based on the above gender identity, these women decided that ability and the career development path are key to their choices of what shapes effective leadership and successful career development.
肖薇, 罗瑾琏. 性别身份视角下的有效领导与成功领导研究*——以建筑行业女性为例[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2013, 0(4): 30-38.
XIAO Wei, LUO Jin-lian. Effective Leadership and Successful Leadership from the Perspective of Gender Identity: Case with Women in the Construction Industry. , 2013, 0(4): 30-38.
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