Abstract:Based on the interviews with 7 married women with children under the age of 6, This study explore how mothers construct their own accounts of good motherhood. Most of city women believe that the mother is important and absolutely necessary for child. Whether mother meets children' demands or not relates to children's development and future. This identity with motherhood is influenced by traditional gendered ideology, workplace rules and scientific knowledge about parenting. Married women in this sample construct their own good mother identity by accessibility, such as "being there" and "psychological and emotional accessibility", and Coordinated Care. The former consolidate the situation of feminization and marketization of childcare. The latter go beyond the rules of motherhood and break free from the confinement in which mothers are regarded as the most important or sole caregivers.
陶艳兰. 世上只有妈妈好*——当代城市女性的母职认同与实践[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2013, 0(6): 87-97.
TAO Yan-lan. Mom is the Best: Unban Women's Identity with Motherhood and Constructions of the Good Mother. , 2013, 0(6): 87-97.
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