Abstract:The exercise of police power may affect the rights of the "opposite party", especially women victims and suspects. Therefore, more emphasis should be placed on the protection of women's rights. This paper examines the relationship between women victims or suspects and the police and relevant issues with the protection of rights, especially when women are in custody. However, these issues have not been given enough attention by the government and public. Studying typical criminal cases may help achieve gender equality in judicial practice through the protection of women's rights.
郑曦. 警察权力行使中的女性权利保护:以刑事案件为视角[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2013, 0(6): 34-40.
ZHENG Xi. Protection of Women's Rights during the Exercise of Police Power: From the Perspective of Several Criminal Cases. , 2013, 0(6): 34-40.
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