Abstract:Soon after the Second World War the United States of America turned Japan, an enemy in the war, into an ally. This move was not difficult to explain in the contexts of Cold War, geo-politics, and the "America's interest" in becoming the super power in the world. However, for this move that reversed the conception of Japan from a foe to a friend to be accepted by American people is a puzzle not widely known. The book, America's Geisha Ally: Reimagining the Japanese Enemy, tries to recover this puzzle from political, cultural and psychological perspectives. This paper takes gender and the intersection between gender and race as points of entry to reveal how the author of the book discussed that the American mainstream media utilized gender, maturity and race as discourses to manipulate public opinion and explain the meaning of "turning a foe to an ally."
金一虹. 性别气质、成熟度和种族:美国是如何将日本化敌为友的——《美国的艺伎盟友——重新想象敌国日本》[1]读书札记[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2015, 0(6): 118-125.
JIN Yi-hong. Gender, Maturity and Race: How did the USA Turned Japan from a Foe to an Ally? Book Review of America's Geisha Ally: Reimagining the Japanese Enemy. , 2015, 0(6): 118-125.
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