A Review of Research Abroad on Factors Influencing the Participation of Women Board Members in Corporate Governance
LüYing1, WANG Zheng-bin2
1.School of Economics and Management, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, Gansu Province, China; 2.School of Economics and Management, Northwest University, Xi'an 710127, Shaanxi Province, China
Abstract:Despite the recognition of importance of women's participation in corporate governance,the low representation of women on corporate boards (WOCB) remains a worldwide issue. With the increasing influence of women in the world, the urgency and importance of board gender diversification (BGD) has received more and more attention. This paper reviews the recent foreign research on the factors that prevent the increase of WOCB at the national,industrial,corporate,board and individual levels,and discusses the prospects of future research.
吕英, 王正斌. 国外女性董事参与公司治理的影响因素研究述评*[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2015, 0(6): 99-109.
LüYing, WANG Zheng-bin. A Review of Research Abroad on Factors Influencing the Participation of Women Board Members in Corporate Governance. , 2015, 0(6): 99-109.
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