Abstract:The establishment and improvement of the maternity insurance suggests not only government's recognition of the social value of women's fertility but also systemic protection of balancing employers' responsibility for maternity, preventing gender based discrimination in employment, and promoting fair employment opportunities. New economic conditions, the newly improved family planning policy and government's political will for achieving gender equality have opened up both opportunities and challenges to the maternity insurance system. This system faces with the following issues in implementation: limited coverage, large gaps existing in maternity benefits among provinces, single source of maternity insurance fund and lack of reflection of men's responsibility and rights. This paper recommends that the government be the guarantor of the maternity insurance fund so as to increase the level of its social pooling and its coverage, while making it an independent insurance and defining its basic benefits.
张永英, 李线玲. 新形势下进一步改革完善生育保险制度探讨*[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2015, 0(6): 41-46.
ZHANG Yong-ying, LI Xian-ling. Reforming the Maternity Insurance in a New Political Terrain. , 2015, 0(6): 41-46.
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